Maurice was not to be sniffed at! For he stole a fresh new shirt every day. So he lived on the streets, but he was groomed and trés neat! And had a lot of good wisdom, “If I may?…”

“You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge, where one rises above circumstance, to succeed and in turn, flourish!” Maurice bowed his head dramatically but looked up at his audience with his doe eyes. “If you please..” he added and with an encouraging nod from the man listening intently, he continued.

“The key to living feral, is to not let it be your peril, but to thrive and rise above it instead! I live like a street King! You want to know how to win?  Keep your mind as your own, and crown your own head.”

The man that lived on the street, looked down quizzically at Maurice, he was indeed groomed and trés neat! So decided to listen rather than shoo him away. 

‘You can learn from all sorts it seems, even a small dachshund that beams, and after I’ve listened to his wisdom, we can play’ the man nodded decisively at his thoughts and allowed Maurice to say…

“We’ll begin at the beginning, and then by the end you will be winning! At this game that they question and call life! So in the morning, we take a shirt, don’t worry, nobody gets hurt..we just take one from the washing lines that pleases us. No need to yap and make an unnecessary fuss!”

“Then we dress to impress ones self! And we will only eat what brings us health!..and perhaps one sweet treat, if.. it entices” Maurice smiled coyly.

The man couldn’t argue with Maurice as of yet, he had some more wise gems he could bet, so he nodded attentively for him to go on. Maurice nodded graciously at the man and so continued…

“We then run to the piazza, and as we run, we move much faster, stretching my already long body to it’s limit! We greet all of the fine townsfolk, as they rush past us, full of worry and hope, and we bask in the piazza and all that’s in it! We listen and marvel at the operatic songs (Maurice closed his eye at this point as he mused)..we feel the sun that shines on us all day long.. we can wonder past the artists as they’re creating” he smiled..”And we enjoy a simplified life, without pain and without strife! And as I reflect on this young man, I am elating!”

The man looked down at his dirtied clothes, and thought about what the dachshund knows, and realised that everything was better than he had first thought. It was a gift to be alive! And with all this beauty, his mind would thrive! As his good fortune was in the thoughts, that only he sought for. He knew his dreams are his own dreams! And he smiled down as the dachshund beams, in all of his glory, to hear him say..”Ok, let’s play now”.
