There’s a place in the North where you can banish your dreams. Not the good ones, but the bad, the one’s that linger within. When those echos of monsters sink into the darkest of depths, they rise again, unexpected, just as the full moon unsets. But sometimes, if you’re lucky, they’ll rise in the coldest of seas, in the North, where it’s white, where time stops and hearts freeze.
Tora, a young girl child, lived in a place where not many things could survive. It was a prime place to send your dreams to die, and Tora knew why she was alive. Her life’s purpose was to make sure these menacing forces didn’t survive.
She would skate across the ice in her little red coat with the white trim, she had sparkling black eyes, and a menacing little grin. She was often called a sullen child by adults that knew her well, but among her own small folk she was fierce, and a wise one they could tell.
She would skate around the ice but would notice things that the other children did not, she saw the world as it really was, even the parts that most others forgot. That included the lost souls that were trapped below the lake, so she’d skate around, below the clouds, carefully choosing which dream to take.
She would look down at the trapped faces as she skated merrily along, knowing that all of those banished souls must of done something really, very wrong. So she skated along.. looking at the pained faces underneath, and picked a vicious looking monster, with bulbous eyes and long, sharp teeth.
“This one! This one must go!”
Immediately, she took off her boot and used it to hit the ice with an almighty smack! Within seconds the ice began teasing and creaking, and then quickly it started to crack. She then hit it again and made a decent sized hole, and reached her hand in whilst her friends looked on in awe. She pulled out the giant fish by looping her finger through it’s gill, “Now come with me you monster! You will do as I will!”
She dragged the beast along the ice as it struggled and gasped, and then she pulled it up onto the snow, tightening her angry, gripping grasp, until she reached her house of red, where she hastily flung open the door, and then pulled her hood down from her head and slid the fish along the floor.
“You’ll stay in there until you cease! You’ve caused enough pain, you rotten beast!”
And with that, Tora brushed her self off, and clumsily bolted the big, red door, she marched straight back out into the frost, and the monster existed in dreams no more.