The big head in the big top was too big for most people to bare.
Most people, or person in this case, would step through the laminate stripes in search of wonder and dazzlement, but when met with the ghastly stare of the bloody big head, one was frozen on the spot, unable to turn back.
There under the lights, with the carnival music setting the scene into a frenzied fiendish folly, a person was stuck in a hellish limbo of a once magical world contorted into madness.
The person, frozen in situ, could see beyond the gargantuan head that swayed like a giant ballon, but the sights beyond became mere glimpses. But a glimpse, beyond the bloody blimp, was enough to keep the person from giving their perfectly formed head over to the dominating big head that wanted nothing more than to devour other’s thoughts that were not their own.
Within the big head, was lots of little heads, of persons that came before the person that stands here now. The same but quite different, and after one appears another, much stronger than the last. So this person, for the people that came before, with the perfectly formed head, held it high for the bloody big head to see, and in pure defiance, to the melody of the bold brass band, the person took a step, one foot in front of the other, and walked upright over the bloody big head’s rather small body, up and over, until they reached the neck, and then big head, astounded at the audacity at this seemingly small pin head, watched the person walk over their bloody big head as it was forced backwards in the most unnatural motion, as the person walked off into the blurs of colour that once were, now a new world, at the shining carnival bizarre.