Shona was considered an oddity, but she was actually a beauty of the deep, blue sea.
Shona was considered an oddity, but she was actually a beauty of the deep, blue sea.
He puts fear in your heart and a knot in your belly, and you quickly forget who you are.
You tremble and shake as your body falls heavy, and the fear spreads quickly and far.
Nian had no reservations in letting the villagers know the nature of his ways, as he even returned the odd, indigestible piece of clothing to the corresponding families, which he felt was all in good taste.
He found shells that were empty and starfish that were dry. He felt sad as he lay there and started to cry.
The caribou looked at Rasheed blankly and took out a teacup from his pocket and started to sip from it, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"That's NOT a fish!" she cried, as she looked down at the odd little being. "I don't believe you, you lie! I saw it fall from a crack in the ceiling!"
And they were fond of the men, whom were fond of their taste,
For what they really should of done, was to make post haste!
The hostile gesture didn't seem to faze her one bit as she leant down and whispered into Ramone's ear, “You ARE a raccoon!”.
“YOU’RE a raccoon!” he replied defiantly.
“There are many places in between, places that neither you nor I can go. But they are there, just as you are here, and this new spirit must be from there”.
"If she is from there, then why is she here?" the boy questioned.
For I, am the greatest guru of all time,
And my name is Michio the Mantis.
And I only, preach what I practice.