Elliot the eel was a slippery sort. But his exterior body did not quite match his thoughts. His body was shiny, and wriggly, and fast, and his mean facial features were a convenient mask. As he was actually quite sensitive, and had a kind, humble heart. He liked dancing in the water, and enjoyed nature and fine art.
But he knew what would become of him, when he was moved to a bigger tank, because bigger wasn’t always better, and when more eels joined, he sank. He sank under the weight of more eels over eels, until he couldn’t fully express himself, he couldn’t articulate how he feels..
Which was that he knew he was destined to be unagi on someone’s plate, but despite the odds against him, despite his sombre pre-ordained fate, that just for a little while, he could truly be free, he didn’t have to live as he would do, as unagi…did he.