The Walrus was long thought about, long after that fateful month of March. The memories were painfully painful, and the stories heard were quite harsh. It took a little while before he was talked about, but when the time came, they all did. They told tales that flew around the beach, for the whole, long summer that he hid. The beach folk murmured and wondered, where the Walrus could of gone, they frowned distastefully as they thought about all the things that he’d done wrong.
“Why did he do it?”
“Maybe he did not!”
“Where is he now?”
“In a place long forgot!”
The stories spun like sugar, just like the candy floss that they ate. “The other seaside foods were not good enough! For that greedy Walrus’ plate” they scorned.
The Walrus, did indeed commit his crime in the oyster bed, like a thief in the daylight he came, with malice running throughout his head, and by tricking with tricks and licking his lips, he promised the oysters an innocent game. The Walrus lured them away he did, so they all wandered off in tow, they thought they would be off to play they did, but they were guzzled and scoffed, we think so….
“Maybe they wanted to go with him? Maybe they all went on a trip!”
“Then why didn’t the carpenter go with him?” The crab mused as he picked up his tea to sip.
He enjoyed thinking over a cup of tea, as he looked down at his small limpet friend. He would ponder the world and look out to sea, enjoying the blue view that he thought had no end.
“Perhaps the carpenter knows what became of them?! He must know something, I say lets go!” the crab side stepped quickly along the shore, with the limpet slowly in tow.
“Wait for me!” the limpet called out.
“Don’t be so limp!” the crab called right back.
“But I am limp! So please just slow down!”
So the crab slowed a little as he side stepped and frowned.
After some time they found the carpenter, laying out on the sea shore, quite drunk!
“See you here! We need some answers man!”
“No point! As my house boat just sunk! I live here on the beach now, so lonely, and my only friend disappeared with the others”
“You mean the Walrus ran away with the oysters?”
“Yes, and I wanted them to be my small brothers. But now I’m just here and I’m lonely you see…”
“But the beach is quite homely, and you can live here for free! So just live here, and will you stop crying! We’ll search for Walrus, and we will find him! And if we need to extract, all the cold, hard, harsh facts! Then we’ll do what we can to find justice, with the help of my friend here, and other fish!”
The crab and the limpet walked to the sea shore, as they entered the ocean and descended to the sea floor, where they split up so they could search around far and wide, looking for clues or oyster shells that they could find. They found one, and another, and then another small shell, and thought that the Walrus must be destined for hell! Until the limpet had slowly arrived at a new place, that had been hidden from other sea creatures. It was cooler this way and quite desolate, with a barren, dark house with no features.
He slowly sidled upside a rock, and then he finally reached the door, and after a while he opened it up, to see the oysters no more! They’d been eaten had! But the Walrus looked sad, as he lay full to brim in the corner. A single tear ran down his cheek, as he confessed he’d been weak, and now all he’d become was a mourner.
The walrus now lives with the pain that he’s inflicted. As he sits to consider all things that should be considered. For if only he could of practiced a little more resistance! He could of had a much finer existence..with better company than a disappointed limpet.